Avail Holiday Campaign

Avail is a peer-to-peer car rental service, think AirBnb – but for cars. For this holiday campaign we created a giveaway people could enter to win a 3-free day car rental, using influencer marketing and social media to reach new prospects.

Escape the holidays

Avail needed a campaign idea to help spread the word about expanding their downtown car rental locations in Denver and Chicago. Their expansion took place during the holidays where sometimes all you want to do when you’re home for the holidays is escape, so we created a giveaway to do just that.

We worked with hyper-local influencers to amplify the campaign, sharing their unique stories on how they escape the holidays.

An Avail landing page dedicated to the activation and managed as the central location for all campaign information and sweepstakes signups. There were a total of 4,950 landing page visits during this campaign.


Social impressions


Campaign conversion rate

Media Channels

ABC Chicago ran a 5-minute segment dedicated to the holiday escape featuring Avail’s Head of Product and influencer, Jared Freid​. Digital media partners, Time Out and Thrillist amplified campaign messaging and creative across their social channels, newsletter and website ads to elevate awareness and drive traffic for Avail’s holiday escape offer.​


Comedian + influencer Jared Freid was naturally intersected with Avail’s target audience to capitalize on tongue and cheek holiday escape content with the goal of driving his audience to the Avail landing page to sign up for the Chicago location giveaway.​


Digital team: Jill Sherer, Andrea Wallace, Crystal Frankenbery
Social: Jill Sherer, Andrea Wallace, Crystal Frankenbery
Design: Crystal Frankenbery